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Graduation Requirement

For Research Mode Programme
A Research Mode student must comply with the following graduation requirements:
  1. Fulfil the minimum duration of candidature.
  2. Pass the pre-requisite courses (if any) as determined by the School/Centre/Institute.
  3. Malaysian Culture and Malay Language (LKM 111) is compulsory for all international students. Minimum grade C must be obtained prior to graduation.
  4. Pass the Research Methodology course.
  5. Fulfilled the publication requirements as above.

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For Doctorate Programme by Mixed Mode
A Coursework/Mixed Mode student must comply with the following graduation requirements:
  1. Pass all courses and other pre-requisite courses determined by the respective School/Centre/Institute.
  2. Pass dissertation/research project.
  3. Obtain at least a CGPA of 3.00; and
  4. Fulfil the minimum duration of candidature.
  5. Master of Medicine/Pathology/Surgery students must pass all Professional examination and satisfactory in dissertation.
  6. Malaysian Culture and Malay Language (LKM 111) is compulsory for all international students. Minimum grade C must be obtained prior to graduation.
  7. Fulfilled the publication requirements as above (for Doctorate Programme from School of Dental Sciences and School of Medical Sciences only).

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  • Last Modified: Tuesday 25 March 2025.