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Exam - Research Mode Programme 


Notice of Thesis Submission
Your notice of thesis submission should be sent to the School / Centre / Institute at least three (3) months before the submission of your thesis. Kindly fill the form and submit it to the Dean / Director of your School / Centre / Institute. This form will then be forwarded to the IPS. The procedures for the thesis submission are as follows: 
  1. Download the Notice of Thesis Submission form from the IPS website, fill and print the information required.
  2. Please ensure that your title is correct before printing out the form.
  3. Submit the form to your Supervisor for approval.
  4. Your supervisor will then submit the form to your School / Centre / Institute for the nomination of examiners.
  5. The Dean / Director will forward the form to IPS for the appointment of examiners.
  6. Check with IPS or check with your Campus Online on the status of your Thesis Submission.
Submission of the Draft Thesis
Note: Submission of a thesis must be made after a student has fulfilled the minimum period of candidature.
  1. Download the Verification and Draft Thesis Submission form from IPS website, fill and print the information required.
  2. Submit the softcopy of the draft thesis (chapters only) for Turn-it-in screening at the respective School / Centre / Institute.
  3. Format checking and verification must be made at the IPS before submitting the eight (8) copies of the thesis. IPS will not accept any thesis that has not been written in accordance with the prescribed format.
  4. Obtain the signature of the Supervisor and the Dean / Director of the School / Centre / Institute.
  5. Ensure that all tuition fees and examination fees are paid. IPS requires the clearance statement from the Student Accounts Section, Bursary as a proof of payment.
    • Thesis examination fees:
      • Master - RM750 (Local) | USD250 (International)
      • Doctor of Philosophy - RM1000 (Local) | USD375 (International)
  6. The procedure for submitting the eight (8) copies is as follows:
    • A student from a School and Institute/Centre (INFORMM, INOR, PTPM, IPPT and IPPTN only) must submit seven (7) copies of the thesis to the School and one (1) copy to the IPS.
    • A student from a Centre / Institute (ABRC, CCB, CENPRIS, CGSS, CEMACS, CEDEC, IPharm, ISDEV, NAv6, PPAG and PRN) must submit four (4) copies of the thesis to the Centre / Institute and four (4) copies to the IPS.
  7. Check the IPS website for the viva schedule.
Submission of The Final Thesis
  1. Examiners are given one (1) month to examine a Master thesis and two (2) months for a Doctorate thesis. Once the thesis has been examined, the student is required to attend a viva voce. Following is the possible result of the viva-voce.
    • Scale 1 | Pass
      • A student is awarded a Doctor of Philosophy / Master’s Degree.
    • Scale 2 | Pass with minor corrections
      • A student is awarded Doctor of Philosophy / Master's Degree subject to changes/corrections to the thesis as listed in the Viva-voce Panel Report.
    • Scale 3 | Pass with major changes/corrections
      • A student is awarded Doctor of Philosophy / Master’s Degree subject to changes/corrections to the thesis as listed in the Viva-voce Panel Report. The corrected thesis MUST be verified by the Viva-voce Panel after the student has made the changes/corrections.
    • Scale 4 | Re-examination (Re-viva)
      • A student is allowed to re-submit the thesis for re-examination after the candidate has made the changes/corrections to the thesis as indicated in the Viva-voce Panel Report. The thesis MUST be re-viva and the candidate MUST attend another viva-voce. The result of the re-viva will be only PASS or FAIL.
    • Scale 5 | Fail
      • A student is not eligible to be awarded a Doctor of Philosophy / Master’s Degree and is not allowed to re-submit the thesis for examination.
  2. After the viva, the Thesis Examination Panel will inform the student of the viva-voce outcome and the necessary corrections that have to be made on the thesis. The student must obtain the list of corrections from the secretary of the thesis examination panel after the viva.
  3. Once the corrections have been verified by the Dean / Director of the respective School / Centre/ Institute, download and fill the Final Thesis Submission form which can be obtained from the IPS website.
  4. Format checking and verification must be made at IPS before submitting the final thesis.
  5. Obtain the signatures of the respective Supervisor and School / Centre/Institute.
  6. Make two (2) copies of the thesis. For Masters, the thesis must be in red hardbound cover with gold lettering and for Ph.D., the thesis must be in black hardbound cover with gold lettering. Beside the hardcopy, the final content of the thesis is to be produced on a CD. The information of the thesis must be written clearly on the CD label.

The two (2) copies of the CD and the two (2) copies of the hardbound final thesis must be submitted:

*One (1) copy to the School / Centre / Institute and one (1) copy to the IPS.

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  • Last Modified: Monday 17 February 2025.